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[Winner] Ulsan Songjung A-1BL Happyhousing

Competition Sep. 01. 2015

Located at the center of Songjeong district, this site’s main characteristic is Green Core, which means it is surrounded by the green belt and river. The rectangular arrangement section that is designated as the district’s central roadside is vacated here so that the whole city is given more space. If not, the whole city might have similar scenery along the central avenue. In this vacated area, a regional sharing community facility in the district is connected with the outside.  Therefore, this project suggest a new standard of ‘Happy Housing’ with serving the public and sharing spaces with the neighboring communities. To maximize openness, we adopted tower type residential block plan in the site plan with simply designed three main apartment buildings to create a positive and symbolic landscape.

Use: Residential   

Location: Ulsan, Korea
Site Area: 25,828㎡
Total Area: 51,115.48㎡
Scale: B1, 25F​

Design: 2015


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